Freitag, 20. Februar 2015

How to become a Binge-Eater

Welcome to my first Post "How to become a Binge-Eater"!

I have been reading a tons of books about being a binge eater and how to stop it, techniques and what we are actually missing. I have also done a therapy and whenever I was confronted with my problem, I felt bad. I am sure there are many different ways how to approach this problem and how to deal with it, and I am also sure, everybody needs an own way.

I am suffering for many years from binge-eating and after such a long period of trying to free myself from it, I realized, that the best thing to become a binge-eater is, to always tell yourself, that you ARE. I believe in the power of the mind including our hearts. That means, the more I give myself in, the more I will become a part of it. Or lets say, IT will become a part of me. Here are my steps:

Steps on "How to become a binge-eater":

1. Believe that you are. There is nothing more powerful than the mind.

2. Be a secret. Hide yourself, hide your emotions in front of everybody. Especially in front of those, who love you the most.

3. Starve yourself for days. Do not eat carbs, sweets or any "bad" foods for as long as you can. You can never know, when your binge-monster is waking up again.

4. Register at the gym and do as much cardio as possible. Before and after work.

5. Do not eat in public. Do not celebrate with family and friends and do not eat in front of them. They should see, that your eating habit is in control.

6. Live alone and be alone, so that you can eat whenever you want.

7. Keep ONLY healthy and fresh food at home, so that nothing bad can happen. You anyway dont feel like eating them.

These are my 7 steps on how to become a binge-eater and I hope, everybody knows, that those steps are fully ironically. Why am I making fun out of something that many people are suffering from? Because I am tired of seeing myself as a human being with so many deficits and I really need something to laugh about. I am writing this, after I had such a terrible night of binge-eating with shame and heavyness in my heart. This morning I woke up, and realized, that this was the beginning of an end. I do not see the light in the tunnel, nor I am aware of the future, but today I am deciding to FEEL GOOD about myself. I am diciding to be more than a disease.

I want to share my thoughts and experiences with people, who are suffering like I do. I do not want to tell anybody, how to stop being a binge-eater or give tips. Everybody will be able to give us tips on how to stop being who we are, but nobody knows yourself better than you. You are the perfect image of yourself!

As my mothertongue is not english, I hope you will excuse my mistakes in grammer or words. :-)

As long as we breath - we are able to hope. I really appreciate, if you comment and we get in conntact with eath other!
Thank you a lot
A freshlynewborn blogger from the heart